Men's Fellowship
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
(Proverbs 27::1)
Join us every Friday night from the first Friday in December to the last Friday in April as we enjoy refreshments together and study God’s Word.
As men, we have a great responsibility to minister to our families and lead them to an understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission, under the Men’s Ministry at St. James, is to encourage personal growth, provide support for men, young men and boys, and to

reveal Jesus Christ to all men in order that God’s Kingdom will be manifested tangibly in their lives.
We strive to increase our knowledge of and strengthen our relationship with God so that we may have the power through the Holy Spirit and act in His righteousness as males created in His image. We help young men see Christ as the way the truth and the light in today’s secular world. We help fathers and all men understand and model the roles, responsibilities and relationships exhibited between God the Father and God the Son and apply them to our lives. We support each other with prayer, biblical principles, and fellowship.