St. James Baptist Church, the Abney Family, and the Woonsocket community want to wish Deaconess Minnie Abney a Happy 80th Birthday
Deaconess Minnie Abney has been a resident of Woonsocket for over 50 years since relocating from her home of birth, Winston Salem, North Carolina.
This beautiful women has been a blessing to this community for many years, never complaining, just serving. At the birthday celebration Deaconess Abney's grandchildren went into great debates over who she deemed her favorite grandchild, we really had laughs over it.
This daughter of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says she will forever serve God with her whole heart.
In addition Deaconess Abney is best known for the great meals she serves to the St. James congregation and community. Lord! Lord! those Coconut cakes will send you straight to heaven.
To God be the glory. Also, let's not forget the cards of love and encouragement she always remembers to send out to those who are low in spirit or have lost a loved one. To this Gracious Woman of God, we salute you for your thoughtfulness and gift of hospitality. May God continue to keep you in his keeping care.